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Community / support / Error when uploading more than one file to IBM cloud
I am getting the following error message when uploading more than one file at a time to IBM cloud. The files are about 1.5MB in size and the Internet connection is a slow one (about 400 Kbps): DioException [unknown]: null Error: Bad state, Stream has already been listened to. If I upload the files one at a time there are no errors. Client side encryption is turned on.
The same error occurs when uploading to the S3Drive free plan test cloud account. The first file in the set uploads OK, remaining files give this error message. I suspect this is a timing issue because of the slow Internet connection.
The problem is still present with E2E encryption turned off.
Thanks for your report. Quick question, does it happen on mobile or desktop? What's your OS? How do you upload files? Is that drag&drop, folder upload or standard files upload? (edited)
This is on mobile. OS is Android. S3Drive version is 1.9.5. Upload is by the + icon in the top right hand corner followed by the "Upload file" menu selection.
In 1.9.6 release on Android, we've increased timeout from 20s to 40s, however I don't think timeout is causing this issue. Quick question, is S3Drive constantly on the foreground when this error occurs or perhaps during pending upload you navigate away from S3Drive and open e.g. other app? (edited)
I have tried version 1.9.6, it appears slightly better. I selected 3 files for upload and all succeeded. I also tried selecting 16 files: 1 succeeded and 15 failed. S3Drive is in the foreground throughout, I do not switch to another app. I wonder if adding a configuration option to set the maximum number of concurrent uploads might help. This could then be set to a small number when the connection speed is low.
I have now tried 4 trials, each time selecting 3 files for upload: this had 100% success. I then tried 4 trials, each time selecting 4 files for upload: one trial worked OK, 2 trials had one file failing and one trial had two files failing. These were all uploads to the S3Drive test account destination.
👍 1
Hi @GrahamC, Thanks for your tests, that's useful! We will prioritize this and likely add options to configure timeout and limit number of concurrent uploads end of next week.
Just to follow up on this, we've investigated that issue. That's likely a timeout issue, which doesn't appear as a timeout, since S3Drive fails on retry (since stream was already processed). We will certainly improve this in a next release. (edited)
Hi @GrahamC, We're running little bit late with config parameters. We haven't forgotten about this and we hope to get to this pretty soon. Thanks for your patience!
Hi @GrahamC, Late to the party, but in the: [1.10.0] - 2024-10-25 release, we've added an option to configure upload timeout. I hope that helps.
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